Ingram Estate – 7530 Rivertrace Blvd., Knoxville – Personal Property
This is the Living Estate of Mr. Dewitt Ingram. He is moving to the Tri-Cities area and all this must go!!!
Over 50 Firearms!!! Brands such as Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Magnum Research, Winchester, Remington and More!! Revolvers, Semi Automatic Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Double Barrel Shotguns, Derringers!!!!
Over 700 Lots of Household Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Kitchenware, Yard Art, Artwork, Rugs, Exercise Equipment, TV’s and More!!! Some items of note: Artwork/Prints by Guy Coleach, Louis Icart, Charles Frace and More; One of the nicest Hoosier Cabinets you will ever see with the spice set!!! Tourquoise Jewelry, Crystal, Bohemian Glass, Toby Jugs, Crocks, Tools and way too many items to mention!!! Check out the catalog, you will be amazed at what you might find!!!
Open House for Real Estate and Personal Property will be on Tuesday, July 25 from 1pm – 5pm EDT at the home located at 7530 Rivertrace Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37920
Preview for the firearms will be on Tuesday, July 25 from 9am – 12pm noon at Powell Auction, 6729 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Knoxville, TN 37921. The firearms have been removed from the home!!!
Pickup will be on Monday, July 31 from 9am – 4pm at the home located at 7530 Rivertrace Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37920. You will need to pick up any firearms at Powell Auction on Pleasant Ridge Rd. so you can do your background check. Firearms may be paid for and picked up on Friday, July 28 at our office. If you live out of state/area, firearms will have to be shipped to your local FFL dealer so they can do the background check for you. You will need to bring your boxes and wrapping supplies for your smalls, bring help to carry and load your furniture. This will be important at this pick up as our staffing will be short handed due to other committments we must take care of at the same time as pick up.
10% Buyers Premium on Real Estate: 10% down on Real Estate after the auction, balance due in 30 days at closing. Personal Property: 18% Buyers Premium – 15% if you pay by cash or approved check on Friday, July 28 at our office on Pleasant Ridge Rd. – No Sales Tax on this Auction – If firearms need to be shipped, Powell Auction will package and ship all firearms to your local FFL dealer. All other items may be shipped by 3rd party shippers. If you would like to contract a shipper, please let them know the pickup day and times so they can collect your items and be sure to let us know who is shipping your items so we release your items to the correct people. If you do not contract a shipper, we will, by default, give your items to the UPS Store on Kingston Pike here in Knoxville for shipping. You can contact them at 865-584-0081 ext 5 or store2630@theupsstore.com. Please bring your boxes and packing material with you to pick up. Please bring help with you to carry and haul your furniture. There are some large pieces in this auction, please don’t bring your 2 door toyota and ask us to load your furniture in the hatch. Not gonna happen!! In the event of rain, please plan to rent you a u-haul truck or trailer. We can not re-schedule pickup due to weather.
Preview/Inspection: Tuesday, July 25 from 1pm – 5pm for Real Estate and Personal Property, at the home located at 7530 Rivertrace Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37920. Tuesday, July 25 from 9am – 12pm noon EDT for Firearms at Powell Auction, 6729 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Knoxville, TN 37921
Lots will start ending at 7:00pm EDt on Thursday, July 27 – soft close
Pickup/Removal: Monday, July 31 from 9am – 4pm EDT at the home located at 7530 Rivertrace Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37920. Friday, July 28 or Monday, July 31 for firearms at Powell Auction, 6729 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Knoxville, TN 37921. Be sure and bring your boxes and packing material to pick up. Also bring help to carry and load your furniture. We will have to have more female help at this pick up due to previous committments at other locations.
From Knoxville: Take Alcoa Highway toward Alcoa. Go through all the construction and as soon as you cross Little River, Turn Left onto Rivertrace Blvd., Home will be on your Left. If you get to Topside Dr., Turn around!!! You passed it!!!!